Call Friends
They know what to do. Trust them they will find some way to make you forget all you have been through. May be drinks or may be slaps but they will get job done.
Cry and Cry
Let it go. Don't hold back any pain inside. Cry and cry but make sure once you stop you will not cry again; not for the same tragedy. It feels really awesome.
Factory Reset
Factory reset your cell phone and delete all the pics from your other devices too. Leave no traces of that failed relationship in your life. Social accounts, gifts, promises delete all. Well its not easy but not impossible.
Accept It
You will start healing when you will accept the fact that it doesn't exists anymore. No matter how awesome it was, or what they promised you. Just accept present and have faith in future.
Go Around
Rebound relationship never works. Don't try and fall in another relationship before you are ready to do so. Take your time and make sure memories of your past no matter close they are to your heart doesn't haunt you anymore