
Wednesday, 3 June 2015

People on notice period !

They think Knowledge Transfer is 'bullfish'. They know that no matter how hard to try and educate them. Your words are as good as 'blah blah' to them. Nevertheless you will be victim of absence when issue shows up. 

HR mai-baap
They are mostly scared of HR policies. Account clearance, documents, recommendation; mostly they are concerned because their new job depends upon their performance at last one. So they try and keep masters of trade happy.

Chalo Chale Mitwa
They are like bonded to the place and moving on just because some serious shit happened. You can see pain of leaving on their face. Silent reasons can be: Affair with colleague, Boss ka panga, Backstabbing etc.

Dust 2 Laga
They are happy as hell. And just want to make most out of period left at company. They try and take risks as they are already out on papers. They are fierce and fearless. They are what they are because either they are starting their own company or new job they landed up doesn't give shit about your previous job.

Mil Jayega
They can be optimistic or naive or most stupid. They mostly put papers before even landing new job. They get more anxiety attacks as last day comes near and near. And people around start advising them about go on knees with manager.